Our Mission
The mission of Loving Union Baptist Church is to know God and make Him known. The vision of Loving Union Baptist Church is to be a community of faith with an ever deepening commitment to God's word, God's mission and God's people (each other).
Our Objectives
Loving Union Baptist Church, using the Bible as the primary source of authority, is a fellowship composed of baptized believers who share a personal commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. This church seeks to be a redemptive body in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. The church describes its purpose and nature of existence in its objectives as stated herein. These objectives are statements of ultimate goals toward which this church aims its activities. We recognize that a mature church is one where the greatest gift, love, is experienced and shared I Corinthians 13). The church encourages its members to discover their God-given gifts. The objectives of the members of Loving Union Baptist Church are:
- To WORSHIP - as a fellowship of believers seeking to provide opportunities for a personal encounter between God and man (Psalm 95:6; John 10:10).
- To practice EVANGELISM - by witnessing in the name of Jesus Christ by loving word and unselfish deed (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8; II Corinthians 5:11:20).
- To promote MISSIONS - by sharing Jesus Christ through ministries to all people in the community and with all people throughout the world (Matthew 24:40).
- To grow through CHRISTIAN EDUCATION - a fellowship of maturing Christians whose learning results in responsible living (II Peter 1:3-20; Acts 5:42; Psalms 119:11).